Mortuary Science

Terri Linn Davis (read Terri’s interview about this poem with our Poetry Editor, Ian O’Brien, here) Terri Linn Davis has an MFA […]

Robbie was here

Adele Rickerby Robbie was here ‘84 Flick of a thin folded foreskin, a ring of rubber peeled, turning, curving, splaying and spraying […]

close up of hand feeding on tree trunk

When Pigs Fly

Kyla Houbolt The President identifies as an alien shill. He has trouble falling down stairs. And up them. I mean, he forgot […]

postpartum rage

Vic Nogay in a vision, i hit her. her giggles go silent, her lights short out, the synapses fold as the twinkle […]

Statistically Speaking

Daniel Guy Baldwin               There is a fifty-one percent chance of being born a boy, forty-nine percent chance of being born a […]

macro photo of black fly

The Weeping Woman

Claire Hampton               I watch the man at the table gnawing his dirty fingernails, pungent sweat darkening the underarms of his denim […]


Katja Sass It’s 9.45 pm. Everyone’s gone except a 30-something woman sitting alone in her 2m2 office cubicle, finishing off the last […]

The Registrar

Abi Hennig He tucks a stray curl behind her ear. She leans into him, rests her head on his shoulder as he […]

The Obligatory Alligator

Jesse Millner Last night I dreamed I drove through an army base I’d never been to before. It was huge and filled […]

Star Guard

Todd Clay Stuart               On the first night of the comet, Beth looks up between the austere poplar trees in their back […]

Little Limbs

Leonie Rowland               He came to me on his seventy-fifth birthday, when his hands were soft enough to save. They had kept […]

Dentata Non Grata

Kate Doughty               The first tooth came, and the rest of them followed. This would not have been an issue if I […]

In the City of Philandering Flowerpots

Tara Campbell               How, exactly, does a flowerpot make love? And how does a flowerpot betray? Technically, a pot is a vessel, […]


Sarah McPherson When I am fired, I take the angle-poise lamp from the edge of the desk. I am not sure why […]

Convenience Store Babies

Rosaleen Lynch               Convenience store babies were all the rage back then. Came with pipettes the size of turkey basters. Advertised in […]


Nathan Willis               Say that you need some time alone. It’ll be easier this way. Suggest that your partner visit her […]