Janice Leagra is an American writer and mixed media artist who holds a BA in English from Rutgers University. Her writing and art have featured in a variety of literary magazines including Spelk, Ellipsis Zine, and Bending Genres. She was shortlisted for the 2017 Bridport Prize for Flash Fiction and was a Best of the Net nominee in 2018 and 2020. She is Visual Editor for SplonkFlash e-zine.
Janice is currently a freelancer who previously worked in the fields of information technology, human resources, health care communications, and education. She most enjoys writing flash fiction, but is also interested in short stories and creative nonfiction. She is a voracious reader of multiple genres, but is especially drawn to dark stories that examine the complexities of human relationships and to wry, witty writing that can make her laugh out loud.
Find her on Twitter: @janiceleagra, IG: @janiceleagra, or on Facebook: @JaniceLeagraWriterArtist.

Jan Kaneen is a working class writer from Bolton in Lancashire, who now lives in the flat manmade washes of the Cambridgeshire Fens, worrying about climate change. Her prose has been published hither and yon and won prizes in loads of places including, most recently, Bath Flash, Flash 500, Segora, Molotov Cocktail and Retreat West. She’s been nominated for Best on the Net, Best Micro and several Pushcarts and was one of the BIFFY 50 in 2020. She holds an MA (with distinction) from the OU and on April 22nd 2021, Retreat West Books will publish her memoir-in-flash, The Naming of Bones. She blogs at jankaneen.com and tweets @jankaneen1.

Sam holds a BA with first class honours in English Literature and an MA (Distinction) in Creative Writing. Her work has placed in several competitions including Flash500, Retreat West and the Bath Flash Fiction Awards. She’s been published in Fictive Dream, Flashback Fiction, 100 word story and Popshot Quarterly. You can find her on Twitter: @skpaynewriting.

Myna Chang (she/her) writes flash and short stories in a variety of genres. Her literary work has been selected for the W.W. Norton Flash Fiction America anthology (2023), Best Small Fictions, CRAFT, X-R-A-Y Lit Mag, and others. She has won the Lascaux Prize in Creative Nonfiction and the New Millennium Award in Flash Fiction. Her speculative fiction has appeared in Best Indie Speculative Fiction 2021 and 2022, Daily Science Fiction, and the MicroPodcast special science fiction edition. Myna hosts Electric Sheep SF, a spec fic discussion group & reading series. She is a contest judge and grant panelist. Myna lives in Maryland with her husband and teenage son. Her work can be found at MynaChang.com or on Twitter @MynaChang.

Dara Thomas Higgins is a writer and musician from Ireland who’s written loads of stories and played on loads of records and been nominated for awards and been on the telly and all that stuff that’s really kind of meaningless when you get down to it. His greatest achievement is writing a novel that features the word “fuck” 582 times. Follow him on Twitter: @Diplah.

Electra Rhodes is an archaeologist, who lives in Hertfordshire in the UK. Her prose is widely published in a range of journals and collections. Recent work appears in the Parthian Press anthology, ‘An Open Door: New Travel Writing for a Precarious Century’, in the Fly on The Wall Press anthology, ‘Demos Rising’, and in the ‘Fuel Flash’ anthology. She’s one of The London Library’s ‘Emerging Writers’ for 2022/23, working on an intersectional biography of the British landscape. She co-leads Friday Flashing for Retreat West, teaches CNF for The Crow Collective, and runs workshops at literary festivals across the UK. Find her on Twitter @electra_rhodes.

Julia is a writer and teacher in the U.K. Her work has been longlisted for the Mslexia Novel Award, the Exeter Novel Award and Penguin WriteNow. She won the Blue Pencil Award 2021 and is represented by Hellie Ogden at Janklow and Nesbit. Julia has also had words featured in Janus Literary.

Chiyeung is an Asian American writer from Queens, NY. His short stories can be found or are forthcoming in Ghost Parachute, Interstellar Literary Review, and others. He currently lives in Philadelphia with his partner and two cats.

Donna L. Greenwood writes flash fiction, short stories, and poetry. Her work has been nominated for Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction, and a Pushcart Prize. Her debut novelette-in-flash was published by Retreat West last year and she has a horror short story forthcoming in The Fourth Corona Book of Horror Stories in October this year. She is currently working on a horror novella and a short story collection. Find her on Twitter: @DonnaLouise67 or on the web at: thehorrorsblog.wordpress.com.

Rosie Garland writes long & short fiction, poetry & hybrid works that fall between and outside definition. She sings in post-punk band The March Violets, & has a passion for language nurtured by public libraries. New poetry collection ‘What Girls do the Dark’ (Nine Arches Press) is out now. Latest novel The Night Brother was described by The Times as “a delight…with shades of Angela Carter.” In 2019, Val McDermid named her one of the UK’s most compelling LGBT writers. Find her on the web at: rosiegarland.com.

Tiffany Sciacca is an ever-emerging poet, newly attached to flash fiction. Past works have appeared in Local News: Poetry About Small Towns, Mom Egg Review, and Luna Luna Magazine, where she is also part of the staff. When not writing or reading, she sells vintage Books on Etsy.

Anu is an Asian-American expat living in London. Her essays and short stories have appeared in Caustic Frolic, Hellebore, and Everyday Magazine, among others. She was longlisted in the 2021 Mo Siewcharran for her unpublished novel. She can be found on the Common walking her Tibetan terror (more commonly spelled terrier) or on Twitter @AnuPohani.